Many waters can`t quench love, Neither can floods drown it. If a man would give all the wealth of his house for love, He would be utterly scorned.
(Song of Solomon 8:7)
The Bible is a book that talks about love. Unselfish love, friendship love, spiritual love, and also in a natural way, conjugal love. Song of Songs or the Song of Songs extols love in life as a couple, saying that this love must overcome all obstacles imposed by circumstances. In the last romantic statements of this book we find this beautiful metaphor: "Not many waters can quench love; the rivers cannot carry it away in the current. In the specific case, these words were from the bride Sulamita to the groom Solomon. But what level of love do you not learn from this phrase?
At least two truths are clear. The first is that love is subject to setbacks. The expression passionate speaks of many waters, of floods, of currents that can come against love. Love is wonderful and "beautiful," but it can still go through times of trials. Within a home the biggest enemies can be lack of investment in the marriage (especially time), lack of forgiveness, miscommunication, sin, third party influences, financial imbalance, etc. The second truth is that despite the difficulties, it is necessary to believe in love. And when one believes in love, it becomes invincible. Like a hero he defeats all negative things. It is the balm for the pain, the smile for the sadness, the forgiveness for the sorrow, the company for the loneliness, the warmth for the apathy, the softness for the aggressiveness, the hope for the restlessness, the new start for the discouraged... Love overcomes the rivers.
Although love is stronger than rivers, the Bible presents many events related to them: The river of Eden, the Jordan River, the Tigris River, the Euphrates River, the prophetic (purifying) river of Ezekiel 47, the river of the water of life, among others. But in Brazil two rivers illustrate well how a relationship should begin and be lived. The Solimões River begins in Peru, and the Negro River in Colombia. They slowly evolve in their beds through the Amazon forest. Until they meet near Manaus, forming a single river, the Amazon. From the meeting they walk together, although the waters of the two rivers are still visible at a distance of 100 kilometers. The waters of the Solimões River are faster and muddy, those of the Negro River are slower and darker. After this distance, the waters mix completely and start to have the same speed and color, until they are lost in the ocean.
This is how marriage is. They are born in different families, meet, walk together (courtship and engagement), get completely mixed (marriage), until they get lost in the ocean that is eternity in the person of God. But before the complete blending, it is necessary to understand the differences and get the speed of life right. This costs time, patience and sacrifice. And when love matures, renounces the differences and surrenders, the miracle of the "meaning" of life occurs. There is no turning back, like the waters of the Negro and the Solimões, after a certain distance they do not break up, so is the legitimate marriage. In fact, husband and wife, when they discover the pleasure of a life together, the sum of the two destinies, which are pleasing to God, do not accept the return. They discover, in fact, that they are sowing in the likeness of Christ. Of that wonderful Jesus, who gave His life on the cross in favor of His beloved bride, the Church, and who today awaits only the right moment, to have her by His side forever.
As it is traditionally said on a wedding day: In joy and in pain, in health and in sickness, in success and in misfortune... But it is only worth it, when they dream and want love to overcome the rivers.
By: Pr. Elias Ferreira
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